Cold and Flu

Gargle with salt water
Gargling with salt water loosens excess mucus and removes bacteria and fungi from the throat. The Mayo Clinic confirms that it can provide temporary relief for sore, itchy throats. Dissolve 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon salt in 1 cup of warm water.
Inhale Turmeric Smoke
Inhaling the smoke of burning turmeric called the dhoomapaanan effective solution to a cough and cold. Take a dried turmeric root; dip half of it in Castor oil for 10-15 minutes. Then hold the dry end and ignite the soaked end. Put off the fire right away. The emission of smoke will start that can be used as a natural inhaler. This turmeric smoke directly helps in reducing nasal congestion and can also be used to cure headaches due to sinus.
Burn off Toxins with Ginger Tea
Ginger tea is good for more than your digestion—it is also a powerful expectorant and helps get rid of phleg. “Try a cup of this pungent, warming tea to expel congestion, reduce gas and bloating and support good circulation,” Carlson says. Its robust kick makes it a great caffeine-free choice for burning off mental fog, enhancing alertness, and sharpening focus while bogged down with the flu.” To make your own ginger tea, Carlson recommends steeping three to five slices of fresh ginger in hot water.
Use it as a cure – Garlic is one of the best natural ways to get rid of a cough and cold because of its antiviral properties: The method is fairly simple. Crush 4-5 cloves of it, sauté with a spoon of warmed pure ghee and have the mixture with your meals.

Take Ashwagandha
This adaptogenic herb has been shown to reduce stress and boost the immune system. “An adaptogen, it helps restore the endurance, energy, and stamina we need to fight the flu. It is, however, not a stimulant. It is an herb with overall nervine tonic benefits—energizing the body when it needs it during the day and calming overactive nerves for easy and restful sleep at night.” To help fight the flu, take 500 milligrams of the whole root after meals.
The Onion Remedy
Do you know that the onions you eat as a salad can be the perfect cure for a cold? All you have to do is combine 1 teaspoonful of raw onion juice with 1 teaspoonful of honey. Let it stand for 3-4 hours. Take this syrup thrice a day. Drinking warm onion broth is also a magic potion for a dry cough. The reason behind this magic is that onions contain healing sulfur which makes them a staple of chronic cough remedies.
Make a Turmeric Paste
Turmeric is an immune-boosting spice. “There may not be a better herb to ramp up the immunity needed fight off a flu, as it boasts natural anti-viral properties as well as energy-, mood-, and digestion-boosting properties. At the first sign of the flu, simply mix together equally parts raw honey and turmeric powder. Take 1 teaspoon of the paste every few hours. “To make the formula more potent, mix 16 parts turmeric to 1 part black pepper and make a paste with raw honey, and you’ve got a pretty amazing remedy.
Evergreen Tulsi Every Time
Tulsi, natural refreshment, has various properties to help to cure the flu. The simple procedure is to mix about 8-10 leaves of Tulsi with a ginger extract and a honey.